Wodka Vodka “Hooker” Ad Gets Blasted By Bronx Residents

Wodka Vodka got blasted by the Bronx community in New York for their billboard that read ‘Escort Quality, Hooker Prices.’

I don’t know if you’ve seen them before, but Wodka Vodka likes to come up with clever slogans when trying to sell their vodka. Just last Christmas, Wodka gained minor media attention for their billboard that read ‘Christmas Quality, Hanukkah Prices.’ A lot of people laughed, even more people cried antisemitism. Whatever, the pulled the billboard and moved on.

Well, they figured they would try again, and move away from the religious humor. The Result?  More criticism.

wodka vodka hooker
Bronx Community Not Amused By This Billboard


Personally, I think the ad is hilarious. Ads surround us everyday of our lives, so I appreciate the companies that go out of their way to try and make people laugh. Unfortunately, a lot of people can’t take a joke.

“They apologized for the insensitivity of the placement, but they were not too apologetic about their message,” Salamanca said. “It’s not a big deal to them. We’re happy they took care of it, but the message, regardless of where it is, is inappropriate.”

Of course they are not that apologetic, there’s really nothing wrong with it! I mean, unless you have a family member or friend who is a hooker, I don’t see why you could really get that upset about it. But, everyone has to be politically correct these days, so what are you gonna do? I look forward to the follow up tag line, “Manhattan Quality, Bronx Prices” just for those angry community members!

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